Karela, also known as bitter gourd or bitter melon, is a unique and nutritious vegetable known for its distinctive bitter taste. It is typically green in color, with a wrinkled, bumpy skin and a firm, white interior that contains seeds. Karela is commonly used in various cuisines, especially in Indian, Southeast Asian, and African cooking, where its bitterness is balanced with spices and other ingredients.
Despite its bitterness, karela is highly regarded for its health benefits. It is rich in vitamins (particularly vitamin C), minerals, and antioxidants, and is known for its potential to help manage blood sugar levels, support digestion, and promote overall health. It can be cooked in a variety of ways, including stir-frying, stuffing, or boiling, and is often paired with other vegetables, meats, or legumes to enhance its flavor.
Fresh karela should be firm, with bright green skin and minimal blemishes. When preparing, it is common to remove the seeds and scrape out the inner membrane to reduce some of the bitterness before cooking.
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